



AFTERMATH Of The World Cup:Brazil presidential candidate Campos killed in plane crasht

Brazilian presidential candidate Eduardo Campos was killed in a plane crash in the southeastern city of Santos on Wednesday, television news network GloboNews said, without saying how it obtained the information.
A source in the Brazilian Socialist Party had previously told Reuters that Campos was on the Cessna 560XL that crashed.
Campos, 49, is a former governor of northeastern Pernambuco state who had the support of about 10 percent of voters in recent polls. He positioned himself as a business-friendly leftist and was a former ally of President Dilma Rousseff, who is seeking a second term.
Witnesses said a plane crashed into three homes in Santos on the coast of São Paulo at around 10am.
The fire service said there were at least 10 casualties.
According to Brazilian air authorities, the Cessna 560XL had been flying from the domestic airport in Rio de Janeiro to Guarujá in São Paulo state.
Air traffic control lost contact as it prepared to land in São Paulo in bad weather.
Guilherme Zeinum, who was working at home at the time of the crash, told news website G1: “I heard a loud noise, followed by an explosion.
“I went to the window and I could just see black smoke.
“I heard a noise like a turbine. It took a little while, about 10 minutes before I heard sirens heading towards the site.”
Mr Campos, a former governor of the northeastern state of Pernambuco, is one of the three forerunners in the presidential election in Brazil, due to take place in October.
Current polls put him third behind incumbent Dilma Rousseff, with 38 per cent, and Aecio Neves, of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party.
It is understood Mr Campos’s running partner, Marina Silva, was not on board.
Images from the site of the accident showed plumes of smoke and smouldering debris.
Walter Feldman, a former representative, who was with Marina Silva, told Brazilian reporters he had spoken with Marcio França, the politician who was expecting to receive Campos in São Paulo.
“Márcio França called and said it was confirmed that the prefix of the plane is Campos’s. But we have to wait,” he said.
Eduardo Henrique Accioly Campos was an economist and a Brazilian politician. He died on a plane crash on August 13, 2014. He was the Leader of the Brazilian Socialist Party – Partido Socialista Brasileiro (PSB) until his death. In April 2014, Eduardo Campos announced his name for the Brazilian Presidential election, naming Marina Silva as vice president.
He was a State Deputy, Federal Deputy, Secretary of Finance of Pernambuco and Minister of Science and Technology. He was the Governor of Pernambuco, between 2007 and 2014, and is currently the President of PSB.
He is the grandson of Miguel Arraes, also a politician from the state of Pernambuco , who in 1979 returned to Brazil after 15 years in exile during the Brazilian military government. Since his early childhood, Eduardo has been acquainted with the most significant names of local and national pol­itics. Born in Recife, capital of the state of Pernambuco, in the northeast region of Brazil, Mr. Campos graduated in Economics from the Fedral University of Pernambuco – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE).

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